jeudi 8 octobre 2015

Nashville Arts magazine !

Woohooo!  Comment ne pas être excitée de trouver ceci sur la page Facebook de la Haynes Galleries !! Un nouvel article sur l'exposition dont le vernissage aura lieu  vendredi le 9 octobre 2015 et se tiendra jusqu'au 7 novembre.

American Art Collector

L'exposition intitulée: Celebrating Art of Women by Women, tenue à la Haynes Galleries, du 9 octobre au 7 Novembre 2015 , Nashville,  Tennessee, fait l'objet d'un article dans la revue : American ART Collector, édition automne 2015 (#120).  A focus on the female form, présente un bref aperçu de l'évènement qui regroupe une quarantaine de peintures, sculptures et dessins de femmes, créés par  25 femmes peintres, nord-américaines et européennes.

The show: Celebrating Art of Women by Women, at Haynes Galleries, from Octobre 9th -November 7th 2015, Nashville, Tennessee, is featured in the Fall issue (#120) of the American Art Collector magazine. A focus on the female form is the title of the article which gives an overview of the exhibition of 40 women- focused paintings, sculptures and drawings created by 25 female artists.

“Celebrating Art of Women by Women” featured in October issue of American Art Collector magazine

The gallery’s upcoming exhibition, which brings together the finest figurative work by many of contemporary Realism’s finest female artists, is featured in the new October issue of American Art Collector magazine. “Celebrating Art of Women by Women” was first presented at the gallery’s summer location in Maine but now travels to the Nashville gallery for a fall run. With captivating self- portraits and ethereal nudes to dreamy scenes with abstract qualities, the show has a variety of female forms painted by those who know them best. Paintings by Agniezska Pilat, Lynn Sanguedolce, Holly Bedrosian, and Danielle Richard, just 4 of the more than 40 works in the show, are featured in the spread.

Nouvelle illustration de couverture - New book cover

Nouvelle illustration de couverture -  New book cover
La métamorphose d'Evian, JCL éditions

Petite Juliette, pastel 20" x 16"